Total number of girls: 41
Number of girls attending Engineering College: 37
Number of Girls at IITs: 14
Number of girls attending Medical College: 4
Cost one girl per year: $1000
Reach for The Stars (RfTS) is a transformative initiative targeting high-achieving bright girls who struggle financially and enables them to pursue professional degrees in Engineering, Medicine and Law.
It is a joint collaboration between Edu-GIRLS and Prayatna. The student are provided tuition fees, boarding and mentoring support.
Currently, girls are enrolled in many branches of Engineering such as Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Chemical, Computer Science and Bio-Medical Engineering and in Medical colleges.
Our Edu-Scholars Thank You
Vandana & Amit Pamecha
Shibu Dhar
Prem Goel
Sangeeta & Prashant Gaur
Sushma & Aditya Narain
Neeta Dutt
Nalini Bouri
Gaurav Saini
Shipra Mutreja
Jay and Kanan Surti
Bijal & Anil Katarki
Indu & Girish Jindia
Asmita Savani
Ellen Woods
Jyotsana & Ambrish Gupta